List of firms which have a Agreement on On-line Inspections with The Assay Office
The text of Agreement on On-line Inspections (czech only)
The Assay Office offer since 2002 to entities, registred for activities with precious metals, which starts trading over internet in the Czech market, Agreement on On-line inspections. This Agreement allow to Assay Office (AO) to carry out a inspections when our legislation did not know the internet way to sell goods from precious metals.
For such allowing received the entities which signed the agreement („signatories“) and which are under easier inspection than „non-signatories“ some satisfaction by being listed in the list on the website of AO. This is a sign the signatory is not afraid anonym inspections and so the signatory is a respectable
Although the situation has changed and AO has possibity to carry out the inspection purchase without the agreement, is the inspection of signators in some financial aspects easier for AO. Therefore The AO continues in practice of the agreements over the years although the text of agreement was changed. Signed agreements of course continue to apply.